Antonio M. Larriba Flor

Welcome to my personal webpage!

Personal Photo

I am a PhD student in cryptography from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. I work on my thesis, under the supervision of my advisors Damián López Rodríguez and José M. Sempere, in the ALFA research group. Here you can find information about me, my work, my research interests, publications and get the latest version of my CV.

My research interests include cryptography, e-voting, security, DeFi and blockchain. Currently, I am also working as Cryptography Researcher at Advanced Blockchain and Composable Finance.


Journal Articles
  • 2023 - Study and Automatic Translation of Toki Pona - Pablo Baggetto, Damián López, Antonio M. Larriba - Print
  • 2022 - How to Grant Anonymous Access - Antonio M. Larriba, Damián López - IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security - Preprint Code
  • 2022 - SUVS: Secure Unencrypted Voting Scheme - Antonio M. Larriba, Damián López - Informatica - Print
  • 2021 - Distributed Trust, a Blockchain Election Scheme - Antonio M. Larriba, Aleix Cerdà i Cucó, José M. Sempere & Damián López - Informatica - Preprint Code
  • 2020 - A two authorities electronic vote scheme - Antonio M. Larriba, José M. Sempere & Damián López - Computers & Security - Preprint
  • 2017 - Stance detection at IberEval 2017: A Biased Representation for a Biased Problem - Diego Aineto García & Antonio M. Larriba - IberEval - Preprint
  • 2023 - Doctoral Thesis - Distributed Cryptographic Protocols - Antonio M. Larriba - Directors: Damián López Rodríguez & José María Sempere Luna - Print
  • 2017 - Master's Thesis - Character-based Neural Machine Translation - Antonio M. Larriba - Directors: Francisco Casacuberta Nolla & Álvaro Peris Abril - Print
  • 2016 - Bachelor's Final Work - Design, implementation and evaluation of update mechanism for distributed system based on passive replication - Antonio M. Larriba - Director: Francisco Daniel Muñoz Escoí - Print Code
Directed Research Works
    • 2023 - Implementación distribuida de un protocolo de voto electrónico - Óscar Roselló Ibáñez - Directors: Damián López & Antonio M. Larriba - Print
    • 2022 - Study and automatic translation of a language with limited resources - José Pablo Baggetto Chamero - Directors: Damián López & Antonio M. Larriba - Print
    • 2020 - An e-voting scheme based on Blockchain - Aleix Cerdà i Cucó - Directors: Damián López & Antonio M. Larriba - Print
    Master's Theses
    • 2023 - Interfaz web 3.0 para un protocolo de voto electrónico desplegado en blockchain - Héctor González Campos - Directors: Damián López & Antonio M. Larriba - Print
    PhD Theses This is a placeholder.
  • 2021 - MÉTODO DE REGISTRO DISTRIBUIDO PARA EL CONTROL DE ACCESO ANÓNIMO (Distributed registration method for anonymous access) - Antonio M. Larriba & Damián López - Application Number: 202130890 - Status: Application Published
  • 2021 - MÉTODO DE CONTROL DE VOTO ELECTRÓNICO (Electronic voting control method) - Antonio M. Larriba & Damián López - Application Number: 202131209 - Status: Application Published
Talks & Seminars
  • 2018 - Character-based Neural Machine Translation - V Meeting of PhD Students UPV - Antonio M. Larriba - Slides
  • 2021 - Secure e-voting protocols (Spanish) - VRAIN Seminars - Antonio M. Larriba - Slides
  • 2021 - DEFI LAB: Blockchain, DeFi & Friends - ABAG & Etsinf Seminar - Antonio M. Larriba - Slides
  • 2021 - Cryptography & Blockchain (Spanish) - Master's Degree in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence - Antonio M. Larriba - Slides

Frequent Answers & Questions

Are you the one and only, truly original Panther pink panther Antonio M. Larriba from head to toe? Yes, I am! My full name is Antonio Manuel Larriba Flor. I usually sign scientific publications as Antonio M. Larriba, but you can also find some variations as AM Larriba or Antonio M.
Why does your webpage has donation addresses on the footer if you don't provide any service or insightful posts? To be honest, I just wanted to have them. I really love cryptocurrencies and what they represent. Any received funds will be spent on coffee. These are my favorite coins: Bitcoin as the first distributed and decentralized cryptocurrency that bridged many technologies to provide a consensus mechanism in an adversarial environment. Ethereum as the most (turing-) complete one that has enabled the DeFi world, distributed games and a whole and enormous ecosystem. Finally, Monero, simple, private and cryptoraphycally awesome. Monero is what people think they are buying when they are buying Bitcoin.
Why does your webpage looks so 90-ish? There are multiple factors: I do not like web development very much, it requires some artistic touch that I obviously lack, and, I always liked simple webpages. The fact that nowadays we can make really complete web applications does not mean that every single page must be a 500MB monster. Specially true for the average personal wewpage. Content >> a e s t h e t i c s. I took some inspiration from my all-time favorite personal webpage: Donald E. Knuth's personal webpage and the project MotherFuckingWebsite [1, 2, 3, 4].